Market Focus Audit Modules

Market focus is positively associated with superior performance, improved profitability, better customer retention, improved sales growth, and greater new product success.

A primary objective of any organization should be the development of superior market focus (orientation) and the creation of superior customer value through the utilization of its skills, resources and capabilities.

With a superior market focus the entire business culture of a enterprise is systematically and entirely committed to the continuous creation of customer value in order to achieve a sustainable
competitive advantage.

In view of the fact that a superior market focus guarantees improved performance for your enterprise or business unit, we developed the Market Focus Audits to address your specific market focus needs in a resourceful, efficient and creative manner.

With the Market Focus Audits it is our primary objective to help you develop a superior market focus by providing targeted solutions, in a personalized and customized report format, for each of your enterprise’s or business unit’s four key market performance areas, i.e. the, Customer Focus Audit, Company Focus Audit, Competition Focus Audit, Corporate Strategy Focus Audit.

It presents the business executive with targeted strategic options, tailored to his/her enterprise’s or business unit’s specific market focus requirements and needs.

What are the Market Focus Audits and how do they work?

The Market Focus Audits are “de-constructed” customized reports based on the ground-breaking Market-driven Assessment Model & Report, and it enables you to measure your enterprise's or business unit's Market Focus IQ for a specific key market performance area, i.e. Customer Focus, Company Focus, Competition Focus, and/or Corporate Strategy Focus - it generates a customized report that helps you to address specific market focus challenges and concerns, saving you time and money in the process.

The Market Focus Audits offer decision-makers exclusive customized and personalized reports for each of the four key market performance areas.

You select a specific key market performance area to be assessed (e.g. customer focus) and rate your enterprise’s or business unit’s performance on a scale of 1 to 7 for a set of relevant statements, and you receive immediately a value-adding, personalized and customized report (.pdf) containing strategic insights and advice on how you can improve your enterprise’s or business unit’s selected market focus!

How will my enterprise or business unit benefit from the Market Focus Audits?

You receive a value-adding personalized and customized report (.pdf, ± 12 pages) containing –

  • Strategic insights and information on how to improve your enterprise’s or business unit’s efficiency for the selected market performance area
  • Objective assessments and proposals, tailored to your enterprise’s or business unit’s specific market focus requirements – informing and guiding you towards creating superior customer value
  • Targeted and creative solutions for your enterprise’s or business unit’s specific focus needs
  • Relevant strategic insights on how to utilize, grow, and develop your enterprise’s unique capabilities

Yes, I want to register and complete the Market Focus Audit questionnaire for a specific market focus area in order to receive –

  • The customized Market Focus Audit Report that recommends strategies and action steps for the selected key market performance area of my organization.
  • The Market Focus IQ score for the selected report.
  • Access to Cresta Marketing’s members' area, where I can download and utilize free marketing resources.
  • Above mentioned benefits for only $9.95 US. Click for currency converter.

I have read the Review and Disclaimer and would like to select an appropriate focus area for assessment:

Customer Focus Audit

The Customer Focus Audit appraises your enterprise’s or business unit’s performance vis-à-vis accepted industry benchmarks for customer relations and customer orientation activities.

It proposes strategies that, if properly implemented, will ensure –

  1. Happy, satisfied, and ‘successful’ customers
  2. Brand loyalty
  3. Repeat purchase (goodwill)
  4. Growing customer base
  5. Positive word-of-mouth (referrals)

Yes, I would like to receive the
Customer Focus Audit Report

PRICE $9.95
Please note: Due to South African Reserve Bank (SARB) regulations, payment for this product can only be made in South African Rand (ZAR) - click here for currency converter.

Company Focus Audit

Company focus can be seen as the facilitator for the other market focus elements (customer, competition, and corporate strategy).

Without a good company focus, the successful planning and implementation of and control over your enterprise’s activities will not be possible.

By denying your enterprise or business unit the opportunity to manage and integrate its internal business environment effectively, you create obstacles to sound decision-making and strategy implementation.

The Company Focus Audit is based on an interpretation of your enterprise’s or business unit’s score-outcome for six of the McKinsey 7-S Framework elements, i.e. -

  1. Structure
  2. System
  3. Shared Values
  4. Skills
  5. Style
  6. Staff

Your Company Focus Audit will also give you an indication of how agile, flexible, and relevant your enterprise’s or business unit’s company focus elements are in a dynamic market environment. (Strategy, the seventh element of the McKinsey 7-S Framework, forms the basis of the Corporate Strategy Focus Audit.)

Yes, I would like to receive the
Company Focus Audit Report

PRICE $9.95
Please note: Due to South African Reserve Bank (SARB) regulations, payment for this product can only be made in South African Rand (ZAR) - click here for currency converter.

Competition Focus Audit

The Competition Focus Audit presents the firm or business unit with an objective view of its general competitiveness. The report proposes various competitive strategies a firm or business unit can implement in order to improve and enhance the sustainability of its competitive advantage.

The Competition Focus Audit also advises you on –

  1. How to have a more ‘holistic view’ of competition
  2. How to identify your competitors by using four levels of competition that are based in product substitutability
  3. How to use one or more of Porter’s generic competitive strategies in tandem with strategic alliances
  4. How to avoid and neutralize excessive and destructive competition

Yes, I would like to receive the
Competition Focus Audit Report today!

PRICE $9.95
Please note: Due to South African Reserve Bank (SARB) regulations, payment for this product can only be made in South African Rand (ZAR) - click here for currency converter.

Corporate Strategy Focus Audit

The Corporate Strategy Focus Audit gives decision-makers an indication whether the enterprise is successfully formulating and implementing a corporate strategic plan to achieve its primary and long-term objectives in a dynamic and ever changing business environment.

This report also informs and instructs executives on –

  1. How to utilize scenarios in order to plan for multiple futures
  2. How to embrace a strategic approach towards marketing
  3. How to improve a lacking strategic orientation by implementing one (or more) of Porter’s positioning strategies
  4. How to face an unpredictable future with confidence
  5. How to foster a climate of radical innovation

Yes, I would like to receive the
Corporate Strategy Focus Audit Report today!

PRICE $9.95
Please note: Due to South African Reserve Bank (SARB) regulations, payment for this product can only be made in South African Rand (ZAR) - click here for currency converter.